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Mental Health Topics Proposal

abby rose's picture

Our group so far consists of Amelia, Nkechi, Rebecca, Sula, Bridget, and Abby. If anyone else would like to be a part of our discussion on mental health, please say so!

Tentative Plans We've Discussed

  • interviews with students re: experiences w mental health at bryn mawr 
  • talk to depression awareness club, C.a.l.m., 
  • discussion circle (listening meeting kind of thing) open to both administration, people from the health center, and students
  • utilize something similar to Monsoon and Benaifer's method of storysharing, by which everything is confidential and stories do not include judgment; open everyone up to each other's humanity, etc.
  • bring pieces of these stories and parts of the listening conversation (kept confidential) to public awareness, so both students and administration are forced, to some level, to confront these personal truths

Issues we'd like to discuss in class tomorrow:

  • how do we use the method of leaving out judgements and feelings when so much of mental health is about feelings that are not necessarily physically manifested?
  • how do we get administration to take the time to do this, and to follow guidelines that we have set for conversation?
  • how do we make this about story sharing, rather than making a point, and at the same time make a difference that extends beyond the conversation?
  • how do we engage administration in the story sharing process? do we make it an opportunity for them to share their own experiences with mental health? (we definitely want to steer them away from talking about other people's stories, that they have only had minimally experience with themselves)
  • should these stories be focused around the "beginning" of a mental health issue, or how it's perceived on campus/in the health center, or both/etc?