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Mantrafesto; Strength of a Community?

rb.richx's picture

This was spurred on by an idea I had… I have many times head the phrase “strong Bryn Mawr woman”, implying independence and ability (being weak and vulnerable is also associated with disabled folks, whether or not by choice) . Does this not inherently go against the idea of a Bryn Mawr Community/Bubble?


Strength is not the opposite of vulnerability. Neither are inherently good, neither are inherently bad.


Vulnerability, when revealed via consent or need, allows for the creation of a Safe Space.

Safe spaces foster and require community.



is based on likeness.

Chosen community is based on common socio-political opinions.

Socio-political alikeness creates a perceived good.

What is good (such rules, whether social or documented) is determined by the community.


means the sharing of responsibility.

Shared responsibility means to have only necessary hierarchies.

Having few hierarchies necessitates varied roles, specialties, and histories of community members – in summary, difference –  in order to be a functioning community.


means interdependence of its members.

Interdependence allows for solidarity.

Solidarity is an agent of social justice.

Social justice fosters and requires access.

Access means to acknowledge that people are vulnerable.


Giving space for vulnerability is strength.