September 8, 2014 - 08:18

What name and what image can you select to represent what you are learning about who Eli Clare is/how he is in the world?
What might be his username and avatar on Serendip?
Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
What name and what image can you select to represent what you are learning about who Eli Clare is/how he is in the world?
What might be his username and avatar on Serendip?
Considering what I've read of Clare so far, I'm taken with his imagery of feeling in his bones. Beyond his frustration with being evaluated in comparison to an ableist ideal, on entirely superficial bases, he discusses the importance of what's under the skin. He frequently expresses that his deepest feelings and beliefs about advocacy and identity resonate internally, in his bones.
I think Eli Clare would use Supercrip as his username. On page 13 he wrote “Supercrip lives inside my body, ready and willing to push the physical limitations.” Clare wants the idea of “supercrip” to be dead, but until that happens this username could be a way that he reclaims it.