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Postcard 8

mcsweeney's picture

Something that stuck with me from Qui Alexander’s talk last Thursday was that he allows the people in his Yoga classes to do poses in whatever way is best for their body. He doesn’t go around and adjust people to fit a perfect standard shape of what any certain yoga pose should look like. I think that this could be a really productive and positive way for people to feel more comfortable with their own bodies. It helps people to learn that there is no one correct way for their body to look or move. Also, I like that he does not adjust people’s bodies because I think that could feel very intrusive. Once, I attended a yoga class and I remember feeling very uncomfortable because the yoga instructor would randomly come up to me and move my limbs around without warning. I would have liked her to ask me first if it was okay to touch me and move me around. So, I thought it was really great that Qui said he did not adjust his students in class and allowed them to stretch in whatever ways their bodies stretched. I think this makes students feel more comfortable and free, instead of feeling like they are being judged and need to be corrected. So, for my postcard, I drew a group of triangles, as if they were standing in a line in a yoga class. I drew triangles because they are one of the strongest shapes. The point of my drawing is that every triangle looks different, and there is no way to standardize or adjust the triangles, but each one is still very strong.