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Genuine Reform

pbernal's picture

“Abuse and neglect negate love. Care and affirmation, the opposite of abuse and humiliation, are the foundation of love. No one can rightfully claim to be loving when behaving abusively.”

When reading this book, I find a lot of quotes I like and when they hit me, I put down the book and if I'm in my room, I lay in my carpeted floor and just lay down thinking of what I just read. If I'm in a public space, I tend to just close the book and think. When I read this quote above, I thought about this in the context of not being mindfully clear when working with students. If they aren't working for or with youth for the right reasons (what those might be is another thing to look into), can you rightfully claim to be fulfilling your role as an educator? Can you be a part of the circle fighting for educational reform if you don't know the appropiate mediums to helping the communities you work for? Can you be a part of the movement if you are not working towards helping it?