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Reflection on CCW/ACLAMO Partnership

jhernan3's picture

Overall, my experience with the CCW/ACLAMO partnership has been great. I wasn't too sure at the beginning what my role would be. It seemed like my role was somewhere between a volunteer and a participant. It was clear that I wouldn't be leading any of the workshops, but I was unsure of how much help would be expected of me. Once I arrived and things got started, I realized I would be more of a support person. At the beginning of the partnership, the kids mostly played with the volunteers. By the last day though, they felt very comfortable playing with the CCW artists. I don't know exactly how those relationships evolved, but I am very glad that they did. There were days where I wondered if I was doing enough, because it seemed like I was just wandering around, looking, chatting here and there. But I think that's a good thing. That really allowed the kids to see the CCW artists as the true leaders of the project. I think the collaboration was a success.