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Reflection on CCW

KatieRose's picture
Reflection on CCW 
Every Friday Nicole and I get up and walk the mile to the middle of campus to meet the CCW artists for our tour around Haverford. I really enjoyed sharing our campus with them over the past few weeks, especially because they were taking pictures of all the pretty parts of Haverford that we love. We always seemed to make the best of our time together, especially when the weather wouldn’t cooperate. Wether we were outside taking photos, inside the KINSC experimenting with window images, or inside the library looking at photography books, we were always focused on the goals of our project. The project that we have been working has been truly collaborative between the artists, Haverford students, and CCW mentors. I am very, very excited to see the final product of the arboretum photography, an immortalization of our time spent together. Since Haverford is a really special place to me, I am really happy that the CCW artists saw potential of art that lies on our campus.