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2017 State of the Art Conference on Postsecondary Education and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Kristin's picture

We're excited to announce that the 2017 State of the Art Conference on Postsecondary Education and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities will be held in Syracuse, NY on November 15 & 16, 2017. Please help us spread the word!

When: Wednesday and Thursday, November 15-16, 2017
Where: Sheraton Hotel Syracuse University

We are now accepting proposals at (Deadline June 6)

This popular conference of 300+ participants will provide an opportunity for colleges and universities, researchers, program staff, parents and self-advocates to learn about the current state of research and practice in the field, and have the chance to network with each other. Syracuse University home to InclusiveU, a fully inclusive, individualized college experience for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New this year will be a parallel student conference on campus, with the goal of bringing more high school and college students into the conversation.

Conference registration will open this summer. Please contact us with any questions at<>.