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Reflections on working with CCW

Lilah's picture

I feel so grateful that I was given the opportunity to work with artists at CCW through this class. It was unlike anything I'd ever done before. It added so much to my semester and was really rewarding. During the first tour of CCW, I was so amazed by all the types of art that were being created there. I was so impressed by seeing rug making, t-shirt making, woodworking, and sculptures, among many others. There's also something so comforting about being in such a large space filled with so much creativity. Everywhere you looked, there was either someone in the process of creating something or finished works all around the center that fill the space with so much light and creativity. 

I had a great time working with Lucia. Her creative process was so interesting, and you can see her passion for her art literally oozing out of her. I was blown away by the many different types of art she liked to make. It was really wonderful getting to know her over the last month. 

I also thought it was so cool that there was a music studio at CCW, which I really wish I could have explored more this semester. However, since I now know I would like to incorporate disability studies into my health studies thesis next year, I would love to explore working with CCW, specifically within their music studio. 

After this whole experience, it makes me wonder why there aren't more spaces like this in the world. CCW is clearly such a warm and welcoming space that is so beneficial for the artists that work there. Disabled people are so often neglected in almost every possible way, especially in an artistic or creative sense. It's clear that so many people in society believe that art created by someone with disabilities isn't "good enough". But everything at CCW, and the exhibit we put together, shows that that couldn't be farther from the truth. Disabled creators deserve to have just as much freedom to create the art they desire and get the same amount of credit and attention as non-disabled creators.