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Reflecting on CCW

Nikki's picture

Wow, it really feels like that time working at the CCW sped by way too quickly. I really enjoyed working with Marybeth Frampton and talking with her every week. I also loved viewing the art. When being shown each piece and when it was made, I could tell how much the CCW supported its artists with what creative projects they made. When viewing each piece, I loved how even the nonartists had memories of when the pieces were being made and talked about the inspiration behind each piece as well. When viewing the pieces, Marybeth was also very proud of the art she made. She always wanted to make sure it was signed by her. She was also really happy to talk with us about her work as well. Marybeth also was curious to learn about me and she would ask me about my roommate, my classes, what I cooked (even though I sadly can't :(). When opening the art exhibit, the artists were so happy to view their work and I'm also glad I got to speak with other people's artists. I spent most my time in the quiet space actually, but I could tell from there how much people enjoyed it. As the event came to an end, I really wished I could have spent the entire semester collaborating with the CCW. I understand why we couldn't have this semester, but I really cannot wait to see what this class does next year with the CCW and whether the program will continue as it was before the pandemic. I'm sad I was not able to see Marybeth at the exhibit, but I hope that she continues to be part of this collaboration and maybe I will be able to see her next year at the next CCW art exhibit with Haverford.

The art expression at CCW really inspired me recently to also make my final project more creative. I think that the art medium can really help express experience, especially to able-bodied neurotypical people. I have always felt a gap of understanding from people who do not deal with any disability in their lives. It is hard to explain well, but this gap especially comes from a lack of understanding from how people's mind and bodies work differently from a perceived "normal". I think that art helps to attack this because people feel like art can deviate from this normal and that that is okay. Utilizing this ability of art to deviate without someone questioning is how I think that art helps bridge differences. I hope that the CCW continues to encourage art expression and their pieces continue to spread past the borders of Philadelphia or even Pennsylvania.