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The question bearing the subject here is that whether it is ethical to use genetic technologies. However, genetic technology can be defined as the process of interfering with the genes of living things. These genetic technologies include sperm donation and many others. However, these genetic technologies have been applied in many ways, for example, in the selection of traits in human beings. In my point of view, it is unethical to make use of genetic technologies (Benston, 2016). This because those who come up with this reproductive technological advancement mostly do not have any disability. They come with the innovations to help out and prevent these disabilities, but in another way, this degrades those living with disabilities. I term these genetic technologies as unethical because while planning for these innovations and all the stakeholders involved do not reach a consensus decision with people living with disabilities and others who champion for rights of those living with disabilities (Hayden, 2016). However, before deciding to come up with these reproductive technologies, several questions should be asked in order to cover some loopholes. One of these questions is what are the side effects? How ethical is it? How socially acceptable is it across the world? Before staging the project, scientists should consider if the technology has been reached through a consensus, especially by those living with disabilities to avoid instances of discrimination (Benjamin, 2016). Despite all, people's health should be the priority, for example, a situation where the body cannot produce enough melanin pigments. We should also put into consideration is the rights of those affected and their decision to matters.

To make any advancements in genetic technologies, the decision must be reached through a consensus involvement of all the parties responsible for avoiding discrimination, especially for people living with disabilities. Another thing is the health of a person who has undergone such technologies is not guaranteed for long-term living because the side effects outshine the goodness of these technologies.