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A Proposal!

Wetlands are an important resource. Most people do not know much about wetlands. They may know they exist, or they may know they are important, but not necessarily why...

My proposal is to take advantage of the excitement of my students after their exploration of the wetlands and our school pond. I would like to purchase relevant field guides, age appropriate books, and other materials that will inspire them to continue the investigation on their own. I am planning to order as many PA specific materials as possible, and allow students to sign out materials when we are not using them in class to encourage them to discover what awaits them in their yards (last year I had a student bring me in a sample of his tree to try to identify with him...) and on our school grounds.

Click here for lots of links to wetlands!

Wish list...

Item to be OrderedLocation to be PurchasedPriceNumberTotal Cost
Peterson's First Guide to Reptiles and AmphibiansBarnes and Noble$5.95
Animal Tracks of New York and PennsylvaniaBarnes and Noble$6.95
Trees of PennsylvaniaBarnes and Noble$12.95
Birds of PennsylvaniaBarnes and Noble$12.95
Pocket Naturalist- Pond LifeBarnes and Noble$5.95
Pocket Naturalist- Birds of PennsylvaniaBarnes and Noble$5.95
Pocket Naturalist- Night SkyBarnes and Noble$5.95
Pocket Naturalist- Butterflies and MothsBarnes and Noble$5.95
National Audobon Society- Field Guide to Insects and SpidersBarnes and Noble$19.95

I am looking forward to having additional materials to investigate the pond. The students enjoy the challenge of the inquiry method with such an unusual classroom. When they discover unfamiliar plants, animals, and insects at the pond and wetland area, it will be exciting to watch them as they seach to "get it less wrong" and identify what they have found.

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