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Starting A New Life(Profile Pic.)

weilla yuan's picture

Hi everybody, I am Weilla from China :)

Every school girl has a college dream, I am no exception. Ever since I was a little girl, I started to think about my college life. Which college would I go to, What people would I meet, would I able to do whatever I want there.

I never have to hide who I am from the people I know. They understand and support me. For me, going to college is not running away from the people from my past, but to meet new people and to perfect meself.

Now I am here, standing right at where my dream begins, feeling satisfied and thrilled. I know my new life has begun, I am able to fulfill my dream with my passion and imagination. I took this picture at my first day of classes for my parents and friends, wanting them to know I am doing great at the starting point of future.

"Don't worry, everything will be just fine." I told them, and myself.