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Social Spectrum

Social Spectrum

aclark1's picture

I agree with your claim, which explains how play limitations influence social limtations. However, my support/reasoning for this claim is different. I wasn't called a tomboy, either was I referred to as a "girly girl". But, I was often alluded as mature. I think I grew mature from my play. My version of play wasn't adverage though. My play often helped to enhance a skillset. But, even when I am comparing to my version of play to my younger siblings verison, I still see them enhancing some type of skillset. So, it often complicates things-- When doesn't things qualitfy as "play"? I think in any verison of play, it helps with the social spectrum. Through play, kids learn resonsibility, sharing skills, discipline, fundamentals, awareness, etc. Therefore, when there's limitation in play, there's limitations with social skills.   

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