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Reviewing the Monopoly

R_Massey's picture

In reviewing all of the information gathered about Nestle, I think it would be something that the public should know. I think a PSA or pamphlet or social media outlet should manifest this information. I am not without any faith in our government, but I do know that big corporations, like Nestle, are what pay the bills for many politicans and political campaigns. Because of this, I think presenting the information to the government would be important to attempt policy changes, but that it would need a large amount of ground support on the side of the people. I would really like to know how a company can suck a country's groundwater dry and then charge the people for it. I understand that I am of a meager age, but I do not think that the world should be so black and white. It should not be that we grow our economy by cutting the autonomy of others or fall apart in turmoil. There has to be a way that, whether it be water, clothes, shoes, or food produce, that every contact get the respect they deserve and all needs met. It seems childish to think that there is not enough to go around; we act like the child that hoards all the toys in the corner for fear of losing control of a single one. The grasp that money has on so many hearts and souls is mind boggling and a tragedy. A social change is needed before any economic change can be instilled. The contact zone must be realized before we can truly grasp the effect of our actions.