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Responses to Connectivity/Oedipal Conflict

aquato's picture

(3 striking ideas/comments/questions & aim at the claim)

OK so for zara's—

  1. Good idea looking up the definition of environment!! Maybe look into the etymology to see if that talks about people-to-people interactions, too?
  2. The difference of Cass/Yumi is a cool route to go. Would you be focusing on their "environments" growing up? With each other?
  3. The fact that all the people Yumi is "bound" to are adults (are we only shaped by authority figures, maybe??)
  4. (Claim) People make up our environments, and interactions with them (whether small or not) shapes our identities.

& for WhoAmI's—

  1. "Her identity and the potatoes are equal" is still interesting. Cass was the one who was always in the potato costume, and Yumi says on page 4 that she was a fruit instead of a potato??
  2. On that same note, you were saying the other day how Lloyd loves the potatoes more than Yumi. Maybe this is due to her not being a potato?
  3. Maybe she didn't see herself as a potato but in the end her and the potatoes share the same fate/relationships?
  4. (Claim) Our identity is formed by the intaractions we have with others, our upbringing, our relationship with our parents, and the (natural?) environment in which we lived.