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Response Towards Day 19 (11/11)

smartinez's picture

 One of the notes listed from the Elizabeth Kolbert talk caught my interest," What makes us so dangerous: ability to change world faster than evolution can adapt...". This brought to mind some thoughts on the idea of destructive play. While destructive play can still be productive on terms of increasing skill sets it comes with a lot of consequences towards surrounding enviornement, people, other species, pretty much anything within it's crosshairs. So the idea of her traveling and how in a way this too adds towards enviornemental destructive actions, she must still embark on these journies to further improve her skills and further the public's knowledge of what else is going on in the world. Play seems to be able to break down into various human actions that lead towards pleasure but at times can cause chaos which is somewhat equivalent towards the pollution humans are causing towards nature. The original action is to fulfill a need which provides convience, but at what cost?