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Not your average Barbie

Not your average Barbie

Hgraves's picture

I agree with changing9 about how the toys we are given play a factor in the way we perceive who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to be like. Like aclark mentioned, her barbies inspired her to believe and grow up with the mindset that she could do anything she wanted to do, just like Barbie did. But, my experience wasn't as positive as theirs. I was more of an outdoors kind if kid. I wanted to do all the dirty things. I liked to play tag, play basketball, hang upside  down on the monkey bars, play kick ball, etc. In my neighborhood, when it came down for picking teams for games and stuff, I wasn't the last one to be picked. I was like one of the boys. But inside my house it was a different story. My mom would buy me things like bratz dolls and Barbie dolls and encourage me to play with them because she said I was too rough. She didn't like that I came in the house with scars on my knees and dirt on my clothes sometimes. She kept me in ballet and forced me to play the violin, and tried to make me into this dainty little princess all prim and proper. I felt like she wanted me to be like Barbie. After a while of her constantly trying to make me more girly and barbie-like, I finally began to think that maybe something was wrong with me. Why is it that I wanted to play outside and the other girls that I was friends with in my neighborhood wanted to go paint each other's nails? My play time started to seem less playful/enjoyable and more shameful. I began to feel ashamed at that fact that I didn't want to play with barbies. It started an entire stage of low self-esteem and confidence issues in my life, that thankfully Ive overcome. But, it wasn't an enjoyable experience to feel like whlie all your other friends are beautiful barbies your the ugly tomboy duckling.

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