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Indoor environment

aquato's picture

I chose to stay inside because the weather was terrible and I doubt anybody wanted to sit on wet leaves. I guess part of it is that we were in Jodie's room for a while this time, too, so that's a different environment in itself. I think we worked pretty ok in there, it's just another room; people weren't too distracted in there. Certain people talked more than others since we were in a different group, I think. We got more lively after coming back to our room.

While we weren't distracted back in good ol' Taylor E, we went on a few tangents, and at one point we were all talking over each other (which doesn't usually happen? That might just have been due to the discussion topic). On a sidenote, I noticed that everybody was sitting next to their 10-week partners. I don't know if that means anything, but hey! Neat!