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Imagination Station

Imagination Station

R_Massey's picture

As a child, I was fortunately given the opportunity to explore the world around. Not put on such a strict schedule that I was able to exercise and stretch my imagiation. I think that play can be defined as basketball and board games or simply eating and interacting. My sister and I would spend hours at my grandmother's house with nothing to do but what we could think up. People would probably think that not having an abundance of toys would mean that you had a sad childhood but I would vastly disagree. Not being given an objct and told what it was supposed to do, I took objects and made them into whatever best suited the game I was making up. I look back on my time playing with my sister and would not change a single second of how I spent my childhood. I think that the creativity I learned then is what helps me too think critically now. I cherish every second of our time together. I know now that it is thanks to the ability to transform one thing into many is what gives me such an expansive outlook on the future. Trained as a child to see what the world could be, I will continue to grow and do the same. Acceptance of what is leads to complacency and the degradation of the human race. I believe in better because I can see that there can be better. The relationships with my sister and all of our childhood friends were built upon a belief of possiblity and creation. I would argue that any exercise of enjoyment or play is valid in whatever capacity it is experienced.

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