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A Friend and Her Boyfriend

A Friend and Her Boyfriend

wwu2's picture

Similar with Rose, I have been through an awkward moment with my friend as well. In my second year in Vermont, I got paired with a Japanese girl, Miyu, living in the same host family. Because of cultural similarities and her likable personality, we got close to each other quickly. For a long time, we never got separated as close as sisters: we went shopping together, had lunches at school together and cooked meals together during the weekends. I helped her with English while she taught me some housekeeping skills. Miyu is such a wonderful girl everybody likes, especially one Japanese boy called Hideto. He then started to ask her out. However, I was never in favor of him because he had a notorious reputation. Of course I didn’t agree with them being together. I told Miyu stay away from him so that she wouldn’t get hurt. But Miyu missed Japan, and Hide was the only one that she could talk to in Japanese. In the end, they still got together. From that time on, I usually was left alone in the house while they went out for a date. I felt so lonely. Gradually, my loneliness turned into jealousy—Hide had rapped my friend. Therefore, my evil mind decided to “revenged” this couple by not talking with Miyu any more. It tortured both her and me. Even though we sat in the dinning room, I refused to say a single word. The silence lasted until she got back Japan. And she and Hide just naturally broke up, but our friendship ended as well. Nowadays recalling my memories, I realize that I should respect her choice. No matter what happens to her, I should always stand behind her supporting her. This is what friends for. I felt regretful of losing such a good friend, and I still am.

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