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The Environment Limitation

The Environment Limitation

weilla yuan's picture

People say play might be the most free and unlimited thing that one can do. In fact, play does have limits itself.

The biggest limitation for play to me is the envionment. Environment is really important for playing because it provides the tools, stimulates the imagination and motivates the learning process. In real life, the environment is always limited by parent's control ("you cannot go outside"); the living environment (city v.s. countryside); and the play partners (if they are in the same interest as you). Some kids just stay home and play with themselves because their parents forbid them to go out. So they usually would stuck with computer games and books. These kids will have poorer skills on the outdoor activities than those kids who play outside all the time. 

I have a friend who used to get grounded all the time because of her grade. So she did not have many friends because she barely got to play with anybody; She is shy and has very bad social skills right now because she did not get to play with friends back then. Also, because she was grounded at home, computer games became the biggest relax tool for her. Now she is obsessed with computer games, and she will not feel complete if she does not get to play computer games for at least an hour a day.










