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Deeper contradiction

Deeper contradiction

ally's picture

It’s not the first time a genetic engineering problem is addressed. Genetic engineering has long been concerned by people because of the health and ethical issues it leads to. The passage wrote about different people in different positions on the problem: there are Lloyd and Momoko, experienced farmers, protecting and respecting all the various kind of plants; there is Yumi in a neutral position, coming home to attend her parents and dragged into the whole issue; there are Cass and Will, the younger generation who are going to take over the farm, trying to make more profit and decided to use some kind of genetic techniques; there are also a group of activists protesting against genetic engineering. In the book, the problem seems to be more complicated than usual. Cass and Will decided to try advanced technology not only because of the profit it can bring but also for the reason that the less use of pesticides may realize their dream of getting a baby. Moreover, beside the health effects of genetic engineering, another reason the activists protested is the notion of “Symbionts”: humans and plants depends on each other, “the balance between culture and nature”. The book unveiled the deeper conflicts in the issue of genetic engineering and introspected on the relationship between human and nature.










