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Contact Zone

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Alisha Clark


Professor Jody Cohen 

Novemeber 14, 2014


Connection to Art of a Contact Zone:

While evaluating The Sixth Exctinction and The Art of a Contact Zone, you can argue that both reads complement each other. In a way, Kolbert’s book shows the effects of having a contact zone between species and the environment. How within the contact zone, issues such as climate change and ocean acidification arise. However, the lesson that’s expressed in The Art of a Contact Zone is shown through the rapid extinction caused by other issues shared within Kolbert’s readings. The main argument will be focused on the human evolution. But, also question the human impact based on involvement with the environment and not only animals. Is our [human] impact positive or negative? I also wanted to talk about how selfish humans are when it comes the environment. How we’ve claimed the latter and then completely disconnected ourselves as a species. However, we imprison apes (and other species) as entertainment for our own pleasure, while knowing aminals have intelligence. Some animals are even more intelligent then we acknowledge.