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’smart deceiver'

’smart deceiver'

ally's picture

Willa’s passage reminded me of my childhood memory. They are similar to some extent, but are also quite different. What’s similar is that when I was young, I also got limited play time, specially TV time, since TV is harmful to eyes and I’m so addicted to the cartoons. However, instead of a frustrating memory it should have been, it was kind of fun and exciting everytime I recall it now. Since I can’t watch too much TV when my parents are home, so every time my parents leave for work, leaving myself at home alone, it will be my precious TV time. In order not to let them find that I have been watching TV at home when they are gone, I made a careful plan:first, I have to estimate when my parents are coming home and close the TV 10-15 minutes before my parents come back for it too cool down to the room temperature. Second, when I’m closing the TV, I have to turn it to the same channel and volume as it was when I opened it. Finally, I have to put the switch to the original place and go back to my room pretending nothing has happened. I always thought my clever plan has successfully deceived my parents every time. But as I grew up,my parents told me that they can see through my little tricks and they just didn’t bother to nail it.

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