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Young and Free

mpan1's picture

My childhood experience of play ranged from having fun by myself to playing with a group of friends. When I was younger I would often play alone at my grandmother's house with just a few toys and my imagination. Sometimes I would also play games with my brother as we would go to the park often. We would play games like hide and seek and tag. As I got older and started to go to school I would play tag with my friends or other group games like Duck Duck Goose and London Bridge is Falling Down during recess. During gym I would also play games in which there were fun races but I ended up with many scrapes on my knees many times. I would also have play dates with friends or be invited to a birthday party in which we would play ball or watch television. Sometimes during the summer months my friends and I would chase each other with water guns. During the summer breaks my parents would take my brother, cousin and me to amusement parks or water parks in which we rode on fun rides. In the winter months my brother and I enjoyed having snowball fights. Despite that, as I got a bit older I started to turn to gaming consoles as a way to play. Somtimes whenever my brother and I were stuck at my grandmother's house and did not bring our games with us, we would play cards since she had no cable or wifi. During my free time I would also read for pleasure as my parents would often bring me to the library when I was younger. I have noticed that as I have gotten older I have stopped playing in the traditional way of going outside. As I've grown up I've turned more to electronics and other things like reading as a way to have fun. Despite that, once in a when my little cousins come over I still get a chance to have fun playing with toys and coloring with them. I get a chance to not act my age and be young and free again.