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Restoration Back to What

dorothy kim's picture

What I found most interesting while I read Slipping was the fact that there are various groups who believe "the original non-disabled body has never existed". This argument brings varying complications as well as insights in the eyes of one who may be considered less privledged than what able-bodied people may see. 

By imagining what the original non-disabled body would have been, we as a society begin to view people in terms of their utility. Those who cannot work as considered "disabled" while those who could would be considered "normal". Having this separation between people creates a viewpoint that is inherently damaging towards people who may not be seen as normal. 

This also brings an interesting concept of restoration. While some areas, such as the natural landscape, may be restored to its original state, there are many other aspects of life that cannot go through such restoration. Metaphors used casually throughout everyday speech fails to embody the various differences that there may be.