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Reaction to Park

changing18's picture

I was very intrigued by Susan- Lori Parks writing because it was understandable and I enjoyed getting to know the characters through and there own individual personalities.  It was one of those books that I can enjoy going through because I can focus more on the story than the words and meanings. I like how Park tells a story through one of the characters eyes then the next chapter tells us how another participant felt about either the same experience or events surrounding it.  It was clear to me from the start that the characters were from the 60's and most likely black although I have not reached a point where it was explicitly stated.  When Park comes to speak with us I hope to just learn more about her story, inspiration for this book and why she chose to set it in the 60's.  I am interested in the significance of the Pulitzer award she received which seems to be a highlight on the cover.