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Project Reflections

mpan1's picture

This project can be carried forward by further investigating the problems Jessica and I stated in the presentation and learn how to fix them. For example, since some grants are distributed after Bryn Mawr’s deadline for payment has passed, we can investigate whether the deadline can be extended to accommodate those students receiving grants and problems deterring this from happening. Also, we can emphasize the urgency for professors to finalize the syllabus so accessible formats can be created. This way every student will have the capability to have access to the needed books. Another problem is political correctness. To solve this issue we need have more open discussions about the terms people prefer using for both students who identify as part of the LQBTQIA+ community and the low income community. I understand that this may be difficult to openly address financial backgrounds so the idea of political correctness can be incorporated in a program such as the THRIVE program. Also it was mentioned that the First Goers club was not that effective in providing support for first generation students. Since sometimes there is a link between first generation and low income students, this means that low income students don’t have a good support group. Therefore, a club can be formed that will be more inclusive for only students of low income backgrounds. It should be made a safe space so that everyone is comfortable sharing their situations and experiences.

            Jessica and I had planned to interview students about identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and low income community but did not have time to do so. To carry this project forward I would like to interview students willing to discuss their financial situation although it may be difficult to find any willing students. Despite this, interviewing students about the struggles about being of a low income background and ways they think some issues related to it can be solved will be very helpful in trying to find other aspects to change.

            There was a large range of topics discussed but many topics were repeated and intersected with other elements such as the LQBTQIA+ community, race, low income community and first generation students. After the presentations I’ve realized problems that I hadn’t really before. For example the fact that the LQBTQIA+ club for colored people receives less money is very shocking. This shows that colored people are still being discriminated on campus which is a problem. I also am not familiar with the health center but I do recognize that it is a problem that not as many people as I thought would think the center is effective. Furthermore I agree that the discussion about problems related to race and socioeconomic status is not talked about enough.

            Therefore, I believe everyone who is part of campus should view these presentations so that everyone is aware of these issues. Despite that, in the end the students make the school what it is so I agree that it is our responsibility to initiate these changes we want to see.