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Project Reflection

Penguin18's picture

Since my project didn't involve Bryn Mawr as a college specifically, I don't think it needs to be shared with any sort of administration.  I might want to share it with more of my friends though.  If I were to continue this project, I think that it would be interesting to ask the interview questions in a different way and see if I get the same answers.  I wonder if the way I asked my questions skewed the answers that I got.  It might also be interesting to continue looking at these contact zones between freinds and see if there is real conflict that can be observed.

Overall there was a lot of variety in the topics chosen for our projects, but many grous came to some common conclusions or ideas.  Many people also had many interesting suggestions for how we can make Bryn Mawr a safer and happier place for everyone.  One thing though that I want to say is that many people think that Bryn Mawr could improve a LOT in an effort to make Bryn Mawr a more inclusive place for all of its students.  I want to point out though, that compared to so many other schools, Bryn Mawr is already such a safe place.  It doesn't seem plausible to create a place where everything is politically correct, and where no one will ever feel offended or left out.  Bryn Mawr is doing a great job creating a safe place for us and I think this is something that we need to realize and appreciate.  If any of us went to a different school for a while and then came back to Bryn Mawr, it would be clearer to us that Bryn Mawr is a pretty great place.