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Noris Square Reflection

Iridium's picture

The most impression part in yesterday's garden is the garden itself. I was not surprised when I saw the garden, saw how the vegetables were growing or appreciated houses with typical cultural elements because in my culture, people also grow vegetables in their garden, draw murals if they would like to, and decorate the house with cultural elements. They were not fresh to me. What I really chanted with is its existence, or more accurately, its creation. Puerto Rican themselves built the garden and pull in the smell and feelings of their homeland. Old people who have been to the land can hold a sense of being back home. Young people who were born in US can experience how their homeland looked like. These gardens also create serenity in the busy city. Also, among those old buildings with faded colors, the gardens with bright and colorful murals are like the representation of power and warmth in that area.

The  gardens make the whole area alive and growing vigorously.