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Missed class on Tuesday

mpan1's picture

I missed class on Tuesday and that day the idea of how Cole, the author of The White- Savior Industrial Complex, would react to Ozeki’s novel was discussed. Cole would react angrily. In his article he says that white, privileged people selfishly try to do good for others but instead cause more harm. Therefore, he would not be happy with the Seed’s movement and claim that they are selfish in trying to prevent the use of unnatural foods and crops. They are doing it to feel good about themselves. They have not given it much thought since many companies and therefore workers may lose their jobs if the Seeds are successful in eradicating all GMO containing crops. Frank especially shows this selfishness as he is not very passionate about the movement but only about the actions of contributing to the cause. He doesn’t care what the cause is. As long as he feels excitement from the protests he will continue to be a part of the movement.