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Initial Rection to the Novel

Bdragon's picture

      This is a book that I just wanted to read from cover to cover in one sitting. Since Susan-Lori Parks gives the characters each their own chapter the reader gets to hear their own perspective. It gives the reader an advantage over the other characters, because the reader sees what exactly is on the character's mind. This also creates more suspense because the reader knows the Dill Smiles took the jewerly that Billy goes to search for for makes it much more interesting. Additionally, the fact the Billy and other characters depend on the money from the jewerly makes me more intriguied to keep on reading to find out how this conflict will play out. I feel more connected with the characters since it is so first person it keeps me more interested throughout the novel. I can also already see how Billy is becoming a stronger and more knowledgeable character throughout the novel, and I want to know how she turns out in the end.