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Garden Field Trip Reflection

Calliope's picture

The gardens that we visited were unique in that they held culture that I had never seen before. It was very apparent that the gardens were a contact zone. An amazing mixture of cultures from North Philly to Africa. I found it to be so inspiring that teens wanted to learn more about their own culture and also farm natural produce for their community at the same time. I found it really brave what the mentors were doing to help their community and give back. I also loved the scenery. While the neighborhood did not look at its best, I thought it had a certain charm, all of the houses being connected and the faded coloring. The murals and the architecture in the gardens was so beautiful and it was so interesting to see what they were working on. I could feel the cultural and natural power in each garden and what it represented. I hope that one day, the gardens can be open to the public without fear of destruction or litter.