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Field Trip Reaction

Bdragon's picture

    I was truly insipred by not only the beautiful gardens, but the interns. It takes lots of courage to be able to present to a big group of students, but I think they did a great job. It felt really weird to go from Bryn Mawr's beautiful campus, to a neighborhood that did not look its best. Although, it is also inspiring how the founders made these gardens to be safe places where two cultures can come together. It was really interesting to see artifacts from both cultures and how they are similar in many ways. Additionally, eventhough we did not spend too much time in the kids center, one of the interns described it was a safe place. That inspires to me want to open a place like that where kids can express themselves either through art or music and feel safe doing it. Overall, this trip has opened my eyes to appreciate the little things in life and always try to create a sense of community.