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Discontinuity and Comfort Zone

Evaaaaaa's picture


Discontinuity and comfort zone are two words that come to my mind as I read the article "Slipping into Somehting More Comfortable".

We've all told to step out of our comfort zone, and we've all told the benefit of doing so, however, we cannot change the fact that staying in the comfort zone is the less energy-consuming state of our mind. We tend to stay in our comfort zone. We are relunctant to move. Most of times, we are unaware of the fact that we are still staying in our comfort zone. That is probably the same as "slipping into something more comfortable" - we like comfortable. 

But as the article discussed, there is a huge inadvantage of being too comfortable: we lost the ability to change. The world, however, is constantly changing. The Sun comes up from the east today, hence it will still comes up from the east tomorrow - this statement is logically true if and only if tomorrow stays the same as today. But tomorrow is not necessarily the same as today. Yesterday there was still slave, and it was evil freeing slaves. Today slaves exist no more, the mere idea of slaves is evil. Things are changing, norms are not continuous - we are living in discontinuity. There will be a gap from points to points, and we should prepare for that. This preparation, requires us to step out from our comfort zone, to climb back to face difficulties and unknowns.

Life is not about comfort. Academic lives are especially not.