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Child's play

EmmaP's picture

As a child, I tended to actively avoid all traditional forms of play. I was too shy to seek out other kids to play with and too unathletic to get involved with sports. So, most of the time, when given time to play, I would choose to read. Sometimes I would draw or just think, but no matter what, other people were always an interruption of my play, instead of being involved in it. I had a few friends, but given the choice between going outside and playing game with them, or staying in and reading a book, I would almost always choose to read. On top of that, my memory is generally pretty bad. I'm sure there were times when I played with other kids, probably acting out made-up scenarios or playing tag or hide-and-seek. But all that comes to mind when I think back is younger me getting too lost in books to have any interest in other people. It's not like I can do anything about it now, but looking back, it probably would have been healthier to try to balance reading with spending time with friends.