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Catching My Attention

MadamPresident's picture

The following quotes are things that have caught my attention throughout the reading. It intrigued me that Teh passages that I am about to post below, each mention factors of the environment and making them who they are or shaping a factor in their life.


" The next year in ninth grade, there was a man, a history teacher named Elliot Rhodes, slouching in front of the blackboard...When he read out loud in the class, he looked right at you. At first you thought it was your imagination, but after a couple of times you knew it ws for real..That fall he taught you all about the greek civilizations of the world. he pressed you to question your beliefs , to think about real ideas. he considered Japan to be spiritual and deep, and he taught you a koan:....When you told it to Momoko, she looked at you like you were nuts." (Ozeki p.20)

From this passage of the text I believe that Elliot Rhodes begins his journey in taking advantage of Yumi, because he knew all about her and knew that sparking conversation about Japan or anything that would be a representation of her culture would catch her eye. I believe Elliot to be a man, who is not sure of his own identity so he exploits the identity of Yumi.

"Frank recoiled into the far corner of the dining nook. The last piece of clothing was a sleevless undershirt, and the kid ducked, pulling it off quicky. ...The slim body unfurled, then straightened and arched, and frackie found himself staring at a perfect pair of girls breast. Naked, they gleamed in the light- was it the pot or the moonlight now?-- and the transformation was complete. Animal to human. Boy to girl, Girl to fucking Goddess." (Ozeki p.54)

I chose this text because not only am I amzed to be encountering the third sex scene of this novel, this text is intriguing because the people involved in this situation areliving anf geeting high off elements of the earth, causing Frankie not only to question his way of life, but to see what he has been missing. Frankie is coming into his identity.

lastly i go back to the beginning of the book because there is alot reference made to Lloyd and the growth of his potatoes being destroyed after Yumi made the decision to leave. This is interesting because I would like to capture the thought that Yumi played apart in not only her father losing his own identity, but also the growth of his field, because a piece of Lloyd was in his Potatoe fields.

" He was doing so well up until then. Look at this. Those nine dollar potatoes in '74, and then next season he goes and leases to your father. How Come? Cass looked up. " That was the year after yummy ran away. he had a heart attack. His first one." (Ozeki p.18)