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Billy Beede and Dewey Dell

Lebewesen's picture

What struck me the most while reading Getting Mother's Body were the similarties between the main character, Billy Beede, and one of the characters from William Faulkner's novel, As I Lay Dying. Faulkner is one of my favorite authors, and As I Lay Dying is probably my favorite book of all time, so I was eager to probe more into how these two characters were connected. One of the most striking connections was the situation both young girls found themselves in. Both ended up pregnant at a young age, and both of their former lovers (whom they thought would be loyal to them) ended up deserting them. They also both undergo a journey in order to get an abortion. Their mothers are also both dead at the time at which their stories take place.

Although they are very similar, they are quite different in the way that they approach the situation. Dewey Dell is definitely more passive and a lot more naive. Billy Beede is definitely more headstrong, as she really takes control of her own sitatuion. 

All in all, I really like Getting Mother's Body. It's wonderfully written, and definitely captivates you at every point during the story. The way it explores identity and sexuality is also incredibly interesting, and I can't wait to hear the author speak about her own work.