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Agency at the Time of the Anthropocene

Raaaachel Wang's picture

1."Today, in a sort of counter-Copernican revolution, it is science that is forcing our eyes to turn toward the Earth considered, once again, as a cesspool of conflict, decay, war, pollution, and corruption."(p.4)

2.Morphism, "is a property of the world itself and not only a feature of the language about the world."(p.12) "Storytelling is not just a property of human language, but one of the many consequences of being thrown in a world that is, by itself, fully articulated and active."(p.13).

3."The point of living in the epoch of the Anthropocene is that all agents share the same shape-changing destiny, a destiny that cannot be followed, documented, told, and represented by using any of the older traits associated with subjectivity or ovjectivity."(p.15)


What does the last sentence in this essay mean? "The oled metaphor of a Political Body might take on a new lease on life, if it is another name for living with Gaia."