January 25, 2006 - 14:15

The subject of protein folding came up in one of my classes and although I had studied protein folding before, this time I began to wonder if protein folding is also an emergent system. Basically, protein folding is how a particular amino acid sequence folds itself into a conformation that is lowest in energy. The process it goes through can be described to be like a funnel, where the sequence tries to fold itself in different conformations while eliminating high energy conformations until it gets to the native state (the conformation lowest in energy). The idea that amino acids are simple units that when arranged in a particular sequence, always fold in a similar manner led me to believe that protein folding could be an emergent system. There is no architect or conductor in protein folding as the native state of the protein depends primarily upon how the particular amino acids in the protein associate with themselves.
But, during Monday’s class Paul described emergence as having surprising outcomes given the knowledge of the rules. This doesn’t apply to protein folding since a particular amino acid sequence always has the same native state conformation. So, now I am not sure whether protein folding is an emergent system…
Submitted by LindsayGold on January 30, 2006 - 15:51 Permalink
Submitted by BhumikaPatel on February 6, 2006 - 17:30 Permalink
Submitted by Candy Swift (not verified) on May 29, 2015 - 23:12 Permalink
I searched Folding@Home, and it is really helpful! Thanks L.
Candy Swift
Creative Biolabs