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Am I just eager, or what?

LindsayGold's picture
So, the first student post. Is it too early, were we supposed to wait until we read something? Well, I don't mind, I suppose. I guess I don't have much to say yet, but I'm excited about this class, and that's pretty rare. I find that my mind works in a certain way - it really enjoys searching out patterns in everything. Literature, music, even human interaction, and the idea of some kind of basic structure gives me brain tingles. While listening to Doug and Paul, I found myself thinking of a brick wall. You start with one brick, and you use a pattern, a set of basic instructions - put another brick next to this one; another on top of those two; rinse, repeat. And you have a wall. Then, you add another simple direction, when your structure reaches certain dimensions: Turn 90 degrees. Do this a few times and you have a hollow rectangle. Tilt 45 at the top, four ways around, and you've built an ugly, structurally weak little house. Move twenty feet over, do it again, and as you go, you learn how to make stronger, more pleasing houses. You can make them taller, in different shapes, anything. And to think that everything we see was maybe built in that simple, straightforward way...My brain squeals in delight. I was also thinking about recursion, but I'll leave that for someone else. Sorry no links this time, I couldn't think of any that applied. I'll work on that. But at least the first student post is done - please don't embarass me by making me the only one.


Doug Blank's picture

Thanks for breaking the ice! One aspect that your analogy brings up is that you can operate on a very narrow area (a few bricks) but when you stand back, you see this large pattern. On the other hand, a brick wall is very much designed. Would you get a pattern if you stuck the bricks together use angles other than 90 degrees, or if the bricks were offset more (or less) than exactly half a brick? And how strong would such a wall be? That is the kind of rules that might be hard to predict, and lead to some surprising outcomes.
LindsayGold's picture

Thinking more about it, I guess the interesting part is finding out which brick pattern sticks, which one we decide is the strongest or most aesthetically pleasing, as compared to other things which, in other disciplines, are considered "strong" or "beautiful", if that makes sense.