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Latest Climate crisis news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Updated: 12 hours 52 min ago

Peter Dutton’s energy policy is a political death wish – and utterly irresponsible in the face of the climate emergency | Ian Lowe

June 11, 2024 - 21:03

As well as spending billions subsidising fossil fuels, we are spending billions more repairing the damage global heating is doing

Peter Dutton’s proposed energy policy, in the face of our climate emergency, is utterly irresponsible. Not just irresponsible environmentally, but also economically. Given community attitudes, it looks like the silliest political death wish in recent history.

Joëlle Gergis’s recent Quarterly Essay, Highway to Hell, was a frightening reminder of the price we are already paying for climate change. In property damage from floods and fires as well as lost agricultural production, the bills keep rolling in. As well as spending billions subsidising fossil fuels, we are spending billions more repairing the damage global heating is doing. It would be in our direct interest to be urging a rapid increase in ambition from the inadequate Paris targets. Becoming the first country in the world to weaken our response would undermine the growing impetus for a concerted program of action. We should be increasing the rate of decarbonisation, not slowing it.

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Harmful gases destroying ozone layer falling faster than expected, study finds

June 11, 2024 - 14:02

Scientists say atmospheric levels of damaging gases peaked five years ahead of projections, as substances phased out

International efforts to protect the ozone layer have been a “huge global success”, scientists have said, after revealing that damaging gases in the atmosphere were declining faster than expected.

The Montreal protocol, signed in 1987, aimed to phase out ozone-depleting substances found primarily in refrigeration, air conditioning and aerosol sprays.

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Australia’s power and gas companies want Coalition to retain Labor’s 2030 climate target

June 11, 2024 - 11:00

Coal and gas-fired power plant owners say interim target an important step to net zero by 2050

The owners of Australian coal and gas-fired power plants have joined the country’s leading business groups in saying the Coalition should keep Labor’s 2030 climate target if it wins the next election.

The Australian Energy Council, which represents electricity companies and gas wholesalers and retailers, the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Industry Group said maintaining an interim target – legislated as a 43% cut compared with 2005 levels – was an important step in getting to net zero emissions by mid-century.

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Confused Coalition stance on 2030 emissions target risks ‘chasing away’ investment, Albanese says

June 11, 2024 - 04:03

Prime minister says there will be ‘regrettable’ consequences for global relationships after Liberal leader won’t commit to 2030 target

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has accused Peter Dutton of being “afraid of the future” and risking “chasing away” investment in clean energy in Australia, after the opposition leader confirmed the Coalition will not set a 2030 emissions reduction target unless it wins the next election.

Albanese called Dutton’s stance “absurd”, highlighting confused messages from the Coalition about its climate policy, and saying any backtrack on Australia’s emissions reductions commitments would be “walking away from the Paris agreement”.

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'Worse than Scott Morrison’: Albanese on Dutton's climate 2030 target renege – video

June 11, 2024 - 03:32

Anthony Albanese says Australia is 'very much on track' to meet the Paris agreement's 2030 emissions reductions targets. Speaking at Parliament House this afternoon, he labelled opposition leader Peter Dutton’s comments about climate policy 'rather extraordinary'

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Women’s football holds immense potential as a lever for climate action | Amy James-Turner

June 11, 2024 - 03:00

Reality of the crisis is making its mark on our game but a rise in awareness can spark environmentally conscious change

The topic of the climate crisis is not one we often associate with football, especially not with women’s football. However, as a professional player who has had the privilege of engaging with my fellow colleagues on this pressing issue, I’ve come to realise the deep concern and untapped potential within our community.

I joined Planet League, the football climate action platform for fans, as an ambassador last year and wanted to focus my efforts on leadership in the women’s game. At the end of May we launched Women’s Football and Climate Change: The Players’ Perspective – a report that sheds light on how our sport intersects with the climate crisis and what we, as players, think needs to be done.

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Dutton’s French exit: they say all is fair in love and climate wars | Fiona Katauskas

June 11, 2024 - 00:00

How committed is the Coalition’s relationship to emission targets?

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Australia news live: Bonza staff sacked ahead of airline announcement; Qld state budget announcement today

June 10, 2024 - 21:19

Spokesperson for administrators tells Guardian Australia statement will be released on Tuesday afternoon detailing the future of the airline. Follow today’s news headlines live

Murray Watt says the opposition has “started the new climate wars” after Barnaby Joyce and Keith Pitt, two senior Nationals, called for Australia to pull out of the Paris agreement. You can read more on this from Karen Middleton below:

Speaking to ABC News Breakfast, Watt said:

We’re back to the same old climate wars in the Coalition. I saw overnight that [Joyce and Pitt] openly called for the Coalition to pull out of the Paris agreement. They’ve spent the last couple of days trying to paper over the cracks in the Coalition, saying that they can withdraw the target without withdrawing from the agreement. Now it’s out there in the open for everyone to see. And you can set your clock by Barnaby Joyce causing new climate wars within the Coalition. It’s seem like we’re back to the bad old days.

We’re on track to get to 42%, which is only 1% short of the 43% target.

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Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’ despite rally attendees wilting in extreme heat

June 10, 2024 - 12:35

Supporters hospitalized following rallies in Las Vegas and Phoenix, where temperatures have broken records

Dozens of Donald Trump’s supporters have been requiring medical help at his rallies in the scorching US south-west but it seems lost on him that his plans to reverse climate policies and “drill, baby, drill” for fossil fuels will only worsen extreme weather, campaigners say.

A total of 24 people at a Trump rally in Las Vegas on Sunday required medical attention due to the heat, according to the Clark county fire department, with six taken to hospital for treatment. The hospitalizations come after a further 11 people needed to be admitted to hospital for heat exhaustion as they waited for Trump to speak at a rally in Phoenix on Thursday.

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Peter Dutton’s plans will breach the Paris agreement on climate – that much is clear | Adam Morton

June 10, 2024 - 11:00

The Coalition’s rejection of a 43% cut in emissions by 2030 will have major ramifications for us and the world

Peter Dutton plans to breach the text and spirit of the landmark Paris climate agreement, backed in 2015 by a Coalition government along with the leaders of more than 190 other countries.

This should be clear to anyone who clicks on this link and reads the deal reached in the French capital.

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Mexico’s new president ran on climate goals. Will she follow through?

June 10, 2024 - 06:30

Claudia Sheinbaum, a former climate scientist and Mexico City mayor, has often led with politics over the environment

The month before Mexico’s 2 June presidential vote the country was bedeviled by water cuts and blackouts as a record heatwave took the country beyond red and into an ominous purple on the weather map.

As dehydrated monkeys dropped dead from trees, the landslide victory of Claudia Sheinbaum, a climate scientist, might look like salvation. But her record paints a more complicated picture – one where climate convictions have often, and may still, come second to political pragmatism.

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Barnaby Joyce and Keith Pitt call on Coalition to abandon Paris agreement as Albanese says Dutton ‘all negativity and no plan’

June 10, 2024 - 06:11

Former Nationals leader says ‘aspirations have to take a secondary position to the economic reality’ after Peter Dutton said he would oppose government’s targets

Former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce and Morrison cabinet colleague Keith Pitt have called for the Coalition to abandon the Paris global climate change agreement and related emissions reduction targets, as the prime minister accused opposition leader Peter Dutton of walking away from climate action.

Dutton has said he would oppose the government’s target of a 43% cut to 2005-level emissions by 2030, telling the Australian newspaper there was “no sense in signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving”.

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‘Disappointing and surprising’: Why isn’t this a climate election in the UK?

June 10, 2024 - 01:00

More than 400 scientists write to political parties urging ambitious action or risk making Britain and the world ‘more dangerous and insecure’

After five years of record heat and record floods, one might assume British politicians would also pay record attention to the climate issue in the current election campaign.

But with the manifestos due this week, concerns are growing that the response of the two main parties will range from tepid progress to a great leap backwards, despite the certainty of further climate chaos during the next parliament.

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In all this noisy election debate, why is there a conspiracy of silence about Brexit? | Andrew Rawnsley

June 9, 2024 - 03:30

Serious discussion about the climate crisis, reforming taxation and funding public services are also taboo for the two main parties

It is not so much the elephant in the room as the big fat hairy mammoth. Brexit is the most consequential thing the Conservatives have done since the last election. More, it is the most impactful legacy of their 14-year stretch in power. When the histories are written, every other failure of this Tory era will be a footnote compared with that epic folly.

With Partygate and all the other scandals on his watch, Boris Johnson recklessly tested Britain’s tolerance for being governed by a prime minster who flagrantly debased standards in public life. With the maxi-disaster of her mini-budget, Liz Truss conducted a deranged experiment that exploded not just in her face, but blew the doors off the country. Ruinous to the Tory party’s reputation as those episodes were, nothing has left a wound as deep, gaping and untreated as that inflicted by Brexit. Yet there’s a conspiracy of silence about it from both the Tory leader and his Labour rival. It did not feature once, not even as an aside, in last week’s 60 minutes of televised mouth-to-mouth combat between the two. Rishi Sunak, who advocated Brexit, doesn’t want to talk about it for the obvious reason that none of the promises which accompanied that enterprise – “a new golden age” anyone? – has come true. He will also be aware that most voters have concluded it has been such a calamity for the UK that we ought never to have torn ourselves apart from the EU.

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Categories: Climate

Coalition savaged for claiming it is committed to net zero by 2050 but would ditch 2030 emissions target

June 9, 2024 - 00:59

Federal government says opposition is saying ‘white is black’ following Peter Dutton’s comments to News Corp on Paris climate agreement

The climate change minister, Chris Bowen, has savaged the Coalition after a frontbencher insisted the opposition was “absolutely committed” to the Paris climate agreement a day after leader Peter Dutton foreshadowed he would scrap Labor’s target to reduce emissions by 43% by 2030.

Dutton told the Weekend Australian he would oppose the legislated 2030 target – a 43% cut compared with 2005 levels – at the next election, declaring there was “no sense in ­signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving”.

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‘We may not have snow’: Australian ski season opens with a whimper

June 8, 2024 - 01:43

Mt Buller had the country’s only ski-on chairlift operating on season’s opening day on Saturday – but snow is forecast for the week ahead

It was a grassy start to Australia’s ski season, with one resort trying to remain upbeat “although we may not have snow on the ground” and a few pockets of human-made alternatives to play on elsewhere.

Mt Buller, in Victoria, was blessed with the only ski-on chairlift in the entire country on the opening day of the winter season on Saturday.

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From parched earth to landslides: crisis in the prosecco hills of Italy

June 8, 2024 - 00:00

Farmers and researchers tell of the impact of a rapidly changing climate, and the measures being taken to adapt

Paola Ferraro marches through the neat grids of vines that chequer the slopes of Monfumo and rattles off the number of ways violent weather hurts her family’s prosecco production.

Spring frost kills buds, summer hail storms thrash leaves, long droughts starve vines of water, while strong rains spark landslides that drown them in mud.

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Peter Dutton accused of trying to ‘rip up’ Australia’s commitment to Paris climate agreement

June 7, 2024 - 23:00

Opposition leader reportedly told News Corp he would oppose the legislated 2030 emissions target – a 43% cut compared with 2005 levels – at the next election

Peter Dutton has been accused of planning to break Australia’s commitment to the landmark Paris climate agreement after he said he would reject the country’s 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target.

The opposition leader reportedly told the Weekend Australian that he would oppose the legislated 2030 emissions target – a 43% cut compared with 2005 levels – at the next election but remain committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050.

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The week around the world in 20 pictures

June 7, 2024 - 14:50

War in Gaza, Russian attacks in Kyiv, voting in Mexico and D-day commemorations: the last seven days as captured by the world’s leading photojournalists

• Warning: this gallery contains images that some readers may find distressing

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Categories: Climate

Wildfire smoke prematurely killed over 50,000 Californians over a decade – study

June 7, 2024 - 14:26

Exposure to toxic particles also led to $432bn in health expenses between 2008 and 2018

More than 50,000 people have died prematurely in California over a decade due to exposure to toxic particles in wildfire smoke, according to a new study.

Wildfires create smoke containing PM2.5, tiny particles roughly one-thirtieth of a human hair that can embed themselves deep in the lungs and enter the bloodstream. The particles have been linked to numerous health conditions and premature death. Previous research has found that the wildfire smoke is exposing millions of people in the US to the harmful pollutant.

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