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NYT Global Warming Climate Change

Gas Stove Pollution Risk Is Greatest in Smaller Homes, Study Finds

May 3, 2024 - 14:00
Gas-burning ranges, a significant contributor to indoor pollution, can produce and spread particularly high levels of some pollutants in smaller spaces.
Categories: Climate

How a ‘Hidden’ $1.4 Billion Tax Will Make N.Y.C. Water Bills Rise

May 3, 2024 - 03:00
Mayor Eric Adams is resurrecting a budget gimmick and charging rent to the city’s Water Board, which will pass on the costs to ratepayers.
Categories: Climate

Making flying cleaner

May 2, 2024 - 15:30
New guidelines attempt to make the aviation cleaner by relying on corn-based ethanol, but experts divided on the fuel’s environmental benefits.
Categories: Climate

How Not to Be a Selfish Gardener

May 2, 2024 - 15:11
These spaces have historically been tied to exclusion and injustice, but we can cultivate them to be ethical and environmentally beneficial.
Categories: Climate

Biden Expands Two National Monuments in California

May 2, 2024 - 14:15
As part of his plan to conserve the nation’s land and waters, Mr. Biden is enlarging the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument.
Categories: Climate

Forest Restoration Is Creating a Buzz in the Amazon

May 2, 2024 - 08:00
Cattle ranches have ruled the Amazon for decades. Now, new companies are selling something else: the ability of trees to lock away planet-warming carbon.
Categories: Climate

Patagonia’s Documentary Wants Consumers to Think About Buying Less

May 2, 2024 - 05:03
Tactics to convince people to buy less aren’t working. A quirky new documentary by Patagonia takes a different approach.
Categories: Climate

Sequía en el canal de Panamá: el fenómeno del Niño fue clave, según estudio

May 2, 2024 - 00:01
Un equipo de científicos ha concluido que el bajo nivel del agua que bloqueó el tráfico de mercancías está más relacionado con el ciclo climático natural que con el calentamiento provocado por la humanidad.
Categories: Climate

Flooding in a Kenyan Natural Reserve Forces Tourist Evacuation

May 1, 2024 - 12:59
The heavy rains that have pounded East Africa for weeks, killing hundreds, have now spilled into the Masai Mara, one of Africa’s greatest wildlife national reserves.
Categories: Climate

What Makes a Society More Resilient? Frequent Hardship.

May 1, 2024 - 11:00
Comparing 30,000 years of human history, researchers found that surviving famine, war or climate change helps groups recover more quickly from future shocks.
Categories: Climate

Los chilenos que salvaron el valle del Cochamó

May 1, 2024 - 02:04
Durante una década, un empresario adinerado y un grupo de activistas sostuvieron un enfrentamiento que terminó con el intercambio de 63 millones de dólares.
Categories: Climate

Drought That Snarled Panama Canal Was Linked to El Niño, Study Finds

May 1, 2024 - 01:01
The low water levels that choked cargo traffic were more closely tied to the natural climate cycle than to human-caused warming, a team of scientists has concluded.
Categories: Climate

Corn to Power Airplanes? Biden Administration Sets a High Bar.

April 30, 2024 - 17:28
Producers of biofuels like ethanol, which could help create a new generation of jet fuel, would have to overhaul their practices to receive tax credits.
Categories: Climate

Energy Dept. Releases New Efficiency Rules for Water Heaters and Other Appliances

April 30, 2024 - 16:59
The Biden administration is tightening efficiency rules for water heaters, stoves and other appliances, and conservative politicians are dialing up their criticisms.
Categories: Climate

How Locals Saved ‘the Yosemite of South America’

April 30, 2024 - 13:57
A decade-long battle between a wealthy industrialist and a band of activists led to a surprising $63 million transaction.
Categories: Climate

Cows Are Just an Environmental Disaster

April 30, 2024 - 10:46
The environmental data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that climate technology is increasingly catching up to the world’s enormous need for clean energy.
Categories: Climate

U.S. Plan to Protect Oceans Has a Problem, Some Say: Too Much Fishing

April 30, 2024 - 10:06
An effort to protect 30 percent of land and waters would count some commercial fishing zones as conserved areas.
Categories: Climate

Biden Administration Moves to Speed Up Permits for Clean Energy

April 30, 2024 - 09:25
The White House wants federal agencies to keep climate change in mind as they decide whether to approve major projects.
Categories: Climate

Hydrogen Offers Germany a Chance to Take a Lead in Green Energy

April 30, 2024 - 00:01
A subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp, Germany’s venerable steel producer, is landing major deals for a device that makes the clean-burning gas from water.
Categories: Climate

Winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize Use Courts to Contest Oil Projects

April 29, 2024 - 13:09
Around the world, grass-roots organizers and Indigenous communities are taking proposed coal, oil and gas projects to court — and winning.
Categories: Climate