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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

From Serendip



Mental health is an increasingly significant intellectual and practical concern of people in both academic and social/cultural/political contexts. In recognition of this, Serendip, working with the Center for Science in Society and the School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College is developing a new section devoted to encouraging scholarship and productive conversation about issues of mental health, both general and specific. Our hope is to encourage productive interaction among people who approach issues of mental health from a variety of different perspectives, and to facilitate the kinds of new openings which emerge from sharing of such perspectives.

This, like other Serendip sections, is a work in progress, expected to evolve in response to interests and contributions of visitors. Our hope is that, over time, we will be providing access to useful resources on the web, papers, essays, and other locally produced materials, as well as on-line forums for discussion. Currently available are developing lists of useful web resources compiled by Christine Tubiak, a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, working with Paul Grobstein , Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to these lists are welcome, and should be sent to Christine Tubiak (

More general thoughts about how this section might most effectively promote research and practical improvements in the are of mental health should be sent to Jim Martin ( and/or Paul Grobstein (



Web sites providing access to large amounts of mental health information and associated mental health resources, frequently having specialized web search capabilities.


Web sites of public and private organizations relevant to mental health


Public doman full text documents related to a variety of mental health issues


Our objective is to encourage sharing among people approaching mental health issues from different perspectives. These materials provide introductions to and samples of relevant different perspectives. Suggestions for additional relevant broad perspectives are welcome, as are materials relevant to any of these perspectives.


Materials relevant to and developed in relation to this section which treat particular mental health areas as test cases for the value of combining multiple perspectives.


Links to relevant courses in social work, biology, psychology, anthropology, sociology and other disciplines, and to other relevant College materials.

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