- Self-Injury: You Are Not the Only One
A site about people who harm themselves that includes information on who self-injures, the causes, diagnosis, therapy, quotes, references, and links.
- Man, Beast, and Zombie: What Science Can and Cannot Tell Us About Human Nature
A book review of Kenan Malik's book that discusses what data scientists have produced about human origins, human behavior, the human mind, and what is being said through particular interpretations of this data. He examines the scientific arguments, their philosophical background, and how they were influenced bypast cultural and intellectual changes.
- The Mind
This paper presents varying viewpoints on the mind and the role it plays in functioning. Links provided to various terms and concepts used throughout the essay.
- Network on Mind / Body Interactions
A transdisciplinary research network committed to discovering the biological mechanisms by which the social world and mental processes affect physical health.
- The Mind-Body Link
A discussion of how the immune system, the nervous and endocrine systems work together in the human body to create an internal defense system.
- The Mind-BODY Connection: Granny Was Right, After All
This article in The Rochester Review discusses how mental state influences your susceptibility to disease, as explained by neurobiologist David Felten, University Medical Center department.
- The Mind Body Medical Institue
This institute conducts research and clinical practice of mind/body medicine. Web page information includes mind/body basics, wellness, medical programs, women's, school and workplace health, and research information.
- Mind / Body Connection
A page on how the mind affects the body, with articles providing examples of this connection. Information provided on psychology, family relationships, and therapy.
- Mind/Body Medicine: Implications for Social Work
This paper provides information on mind/body medicine, mind/body therapies, and the implications for social workers.
- Science of Mind-Body Interactions: An Exploration of Integrative Mechanisms
Proceedings from a conference that can be downloaded. The conference presented the latest advances and emerging questions about mind-body connections, discussed groundbreaking interdisciplinary research, and sounded out opportunities to put new discoveries to practical use.
- Brain and Mind
This site presents information related to how the brain and the mind are but different attributes of the same thing. Ideas and links are listed that demonstrate this concept, such as information connected to neuroscience and philosophy.
- Online Papers On Consciousness
A directory of 1075 online papers on consciousness and related topics. Most papers are by academic philosophers or scientists. Papers are divided into philosophy of consciousness, other philosophy of mind, and science of consciousness.
- Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
A resource for information on the philosophy of the mind.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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