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Bryn Mawr College Courses and Other Resources

Materials relevant to mental health issues are available in connection with a number of courses in a variety of disciplines, as well as through library, staff, health services, and other organizations. Suggestions for additons and modifications to the following lists are welcome.


Course titleFacultyAdditional info
Neurobiology and Behavior GrobsteinBiology 202
Human Behavior in the Social Environment Littel, Becker, Barbera, Shapiro, Baumohl, Schram, and MartinGSSW 142, GSSW 141, GSSW 146
Clinical Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents Shapiro
Mental Health Policy and Social Work PracticeAlexanderGSSW 351
Clinical Social WorkBecker, Corwin, and Martin GSSW 212, GSSW 211
Social Work Practice with Women Becker
Developmental PsychologyWozniakPsych 206
Social Psychology McCauleyPsych 208
Abnormal PsychologyRescorlaPsych 209
Human CognitionThaparPsych 212
Behavioral NeuroscienceThomasPsych 218
Developmental Cognitive DisordersCassidyPsych 350
Developmental PsychopathologySchulzPsych 351
PsychopharmacologyThomasPsych 395
Cognitive Issues in Personality and Social PsychologyMcCauleyPsych 398
Developmental PsychologyPsych 510-511
Social PsychologyPsych 520
Family, School, and CulturePsych 523
Introduction of Psychological AssessmentPsych 540
Psychoeducational and Personality AssessmentPsych 541
Family TherapyPsych 560
Sex and Gender in Crosscultural Perspective DoiAnthro 106
Human EcologyDavisAnthro 203
Conflict and Conflict Management: A Crosscultural ApproachRossAnthro 206=PolSci 206
Human BiologyMongeAnthro 208
Medical AnthropologyFerzaccaAnthro 210
Childhood in the African ExperienceKilbrideAnthro 253
Clinical EncounterFerzaccaAnthro 323
Society, Culture, and the IndividualPorterSociology 102
The Family in Social ContextOsirimSociology 217
Aging and Generational Conflict KayeSociology 214
Marginal and Outsiders: The Sociology of DevianceWashingtonSociology 455
Sociology of EducationKarenSociology 258


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