- National Association of Social Workers
NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies. Site includes publications, services and resources for social workers, news and information, and links to related resources.
- National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists
An organization dedicated solely to the teaching and practice of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Site includes news (current events in the association and in CBT in general), newsletter, people (involved with the association), and a referral database (national database of certified cognitive-behavioral therapists).
- National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
An organization of addiction focused professionals who enhance the health and recovery of individuals, families and communities. Site includes information on education and training, certification, products and services, policy and legislation, and links to related organizations, agencies and resources.
- International Transactional Analysis Association
A professional organization of psychotherapists, organizational consultants, counselors and educators in approximately sixty five countries that helps advance the theory, methods and principles of transactional analysis. Includes current news and events in ITTA, information on transactional analysis, publications and resources, and links to related web sites.
- International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
The association advocates for community-oriented psychosocial rehabilitation and seeks to ensure that the best interests of all concerned are effectively supported. Site includes international information, publications, media announcements, and public policy.
An international organization of those engaged in the practice of Analytical Psychology throughout the world that aims to promote the study of Analytical Psychology.
- American Psychological Association
The largest scientific and professional organization respresenting psychology in the United States and worldwide. Mental health information for professionals, the public and students. Includes a search engine of books, journals and PsychInfo(fee).
- National Association of School Psychologists
NASP promotes educationally and psychologically healthy environments for children and youth by implementing research-based, effective programs. Site includes news and information, links (to state, federal and school sites), position statements, and a search engine.
- Medical Research Council Applied Psychology Unit
MRC aims to improve health by promoting research into all areas of medical and related science. Site includes information on current research, research support schemes, research career opportunities, research and the public, school programs, and links to related sites.
- Society for Experimental Social Psychology
SESP is a scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of social psychology. Site includes SESP information and a search engine (searches SESP's web site as well as all the pages of Social Psychology Network (containing more than 5,000 links to psychology-related resources).
- American Psychoanalytic Association
A professional organization of psychoanalysts that includes public information, literature searches, finding a psychoanalyst and a newsletter.
- International Psychoanalytic Association
The world's primary psychoanalytic accrediting and regulatory body that trains and supports psychoanalysts and develops clinical, educational and research programs. Site includes news and events, scientific and clinical activities, links to related resources, a search engine, a message forum, and ask the IPA secretary (question and answer board for administrative and policy issues).
- British Confederation of Psychotherapists
BCP is a linking body of psychoanalytic psychotherapy societies. Site includes information on psychoanalytic psychotherapy, finding a therapist, articles, and psychotherapist registration.
- American Association of Community Psychiatrists
The only national organization that solely represents community psychiatrists to develop guidelines for practice adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. The AACP promotes community psychiatry issues to the APA, the Mental Health Task Force of JCAHO, the National Community Mental Health Care Council, and other national organizations.
- American Psychiatric Association
A medical specialty society of international physicians specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional illnesses and substance use disorders. Includes information on public policy advocacy, clinical resources, research resources, psychiatric news, other organizations, library and publications and a search engine.
- American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
This association promotes the mental health and well being of older people and improves the care of those with late life mental disorders. Includes the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry online, information on upcoming events, health professional bulletin, advocacy and public policy and links to other online resources.
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
This site provides information to AACAP Members, Parents and Families to aid in the understanding and treatment of developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders. Site provides information on child and adolescent psychiatry, fact sheets, current research, practice guidelines, managed care and a search engine.
- Canadian Psychiatric Association
A national voluntary professional association for psychiatrists to promote quality psychiatric care. Site includes professional affairs, public education and advocacy, publications (full length on-line newsletters, bulletins, position papers, guidelines, and journal articles from the Canadian Journal of Pscychiatry), and links to related resoures.
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
A multidisciplinary organization consisting of nursing, psychology, medicine and public health that forms an interactive network for education and collaboration. Site includes fact sheets, publications, current events, links to other associations and government sites, and a search engine.
- American Academy of Neurology
This site provides news and information about neurological health, research and emerging therapies. Includes categories of advocacy & government, clinical & practice information, education & CME, neurology related rvents, publications and products, and a search engine.
- American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
A national organization of 3,000 registered nurses and other health care professionals dedicated to improving the care of the neuroscience patient and to furthering the interests of health professionals in the neurosciences.
- Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses
Sets high standards of practice and promotes continuing professional education and research. Members collaborate with individuals, families, communities and health care professionals to promote wellness and injury prevention for clients at risk for/or experiencing alterations of the nervous systems.
- British Neuroscience Association
This association promotes on a multidisciplinary basis, the study of the structure and functions of the nervous system. Site includes links to neuroscience information, European Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, and neuroscience courses.
- Society for Neuroscience
The professional association for neuroscience in the United States. Site includes public information links, "brain briefings", "brain backgrounders", and section on neuroscience literacy.
- American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
The ABCN works for the benefit and advancement of the clinical neuropsychological sciences.
- International Neuropsychological Society
Dedicated to promoting research, service and education in neuropsychology, and to enhancing communication among the scientific disciplines which contribute to the understanding of brain-behavior relationships.
- The American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
ABPN's primary objective is the establishment of professional standards of expertise for the practice of clinical neuropsychology.
- American Psychological Association: Division of Clinical Neuropsychology
A scientific and professional forum for psychologists interested in the study of brain-behavior relationships, and the clinical application of that knowledge to human problems.
- American Academy of Neurology
This site provides news and information about neurological health, research and emerging therapies. Includes categories of advocacy & government, clinical & practice information, education & CME, neurology related rvents, publications and products, and a search engine.
- American School Counselor Association
A national organization that represents the profession of school counseling. ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs, and researching effective school counseling practices.
- The National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
A professional association which began in 1958 and is a division of the National Rehabilitation Association. NRCA represents professionals in the field of rehabilitation counseling in a wide variety of work settings.
- Biblical Counseling Association
Provides biblical counseling for counselees within commuting distance, and materials for both biblical/Christian counseling and biblical/Christian discipleship via the Internet. Biblical Counseling Association is a not-for-profit ministry.
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
The professional association for the field of marriage and family therapy. Site includes information on finding a therapist, families and health, resources for practitioners, FAQs about MFT and a search engine.
- American Counseling Association
The world's largest association exclusively representing professional counselors in various practice settings. Site includes resources and books, listservefor graduate students, conference information and a search engine.
- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Pastoral Counselors are certified mental health professionals who have had in-depth religious and/or theological training. Site includes help finding a counselor, student lounge, conference information, training programs for counselors and recent papers.
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
The oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world, representing more than 50,000 members from over 50 occupations of public health. The Association and its members have been influencing policies and setting priorities in public health since 1872.
- Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse
A multidisciplinary organization of health care professionals dedicated to improving education in the care of individuals with substance abuse problems.
- British Medical Association
BMA is a doctors' professional organization and an independent trade union. Site includes current news, BMA library, public health medicine and community health, information for consultants and specialists, general practitioners, junior doctors, medical academics and students, and links to related sites.
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians working to create a world free of nuclear weapons, global environmental pollution, and gun violence.
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
The nation's medical specialty society dedicated to educating physicians and improving the treatment of individuals suffering from alcoholism and other addictions.
- American Medical Association
Association of physicians. Site includes consumer health information, policy and advocacy, information for physicians, journals, american medical news and asearch engine.
- Australian Medical Association
An independent organizaiton of doctors who advocate for those with neither power nor influence. Site includes information on hot topics, media releases, publications, ethics and health systems, general practice, public health, private health and fees, legal issues and links to related resources.
- Canadian Medical Association
CMA is composed of physicians who provide leadership for all physicians and promotes the highest standard of health and health care for Canadians. Site includes information on advocacy and communications, publications, professional development, clinical resources, statistics on Canadian physicians, and a search engine.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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