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Materials provided here are neither intended nor suitable for individuals needing practical assistance with specific mental health problems of their own or of friends/family/colleagues. For such situations, people should contact local mental health agencies, doctors, or other health care professionals. Some access points are provided here.
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General Mental Health Web Resources
- Links to Other Sites
Links to major agency websites that offer access to information and support relevant to the topics of mental health in schools and addressing barriers to student learning.
- Primary Prevention in Mental Health: An Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography brings together information from disparate disciplines to provide the basis for new work in the field of mental health prevention. Information can be used to keep abreast of current scientific developments and aid in planning preventive services. Book needs to be ordered.
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
This site provides links to information on legal advocacy for people with mental disability. Includes a site search, links to specific issues of advocacy (i.e., aging, children, fair housing, mental health), bookstore, press releases and announcements.
- Children's Mental Health Links
This child-related site provides information from resources at Georgetown University as well as outside links to mental health, organizations, databases & electronic libraries, federal governmnet, legal resources, research & training centers, special education, health insurance, and statistics.
- CyberPsych
This site provides links to several specific mental health topics and a search engine.
- Dual Diagnosis Website
This site provides links to information on dual diagnosis, including a glossary, literature, training opportunities, books & video reviews, related web sites and chat rooms.
- Grassroots Social Work Search Engine
This site provides a search engine for mental health issues in social work.
- Internet Mental Health
An encyclopedia of mental health information. Site includes information on mental health disorders, treatment, research, on-line diagnosis, psychiatric medication, mental health magazine, and links to mental health web sites.
- SAMHA'S National Mental Heath Information Center
Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Administration Clearinghouse for US Government Publications and Reports.
- Mental Help Net
An award-winning guide to mental health, psychology, & psychiatry online. Includes a site search as well as links to information on disorders & treatments (problems, resources, books), professional resources (research, resources, services), and a reading room (news, commentaries, advice).
- Mental Health in King County, WA
This site, from the Department of Community and Human Services of King County, WA, provides links to mental health and substance abuse web resources.
- Mental Health Infosource
Search engine of mental health disorders, as well as links to sites providing medical information, information for the patient and caregiver, continuing education, interactive pages (chat rooms, ask the expert) and resources (drug list, finding a doctor).
- Mental Health Matters
A directory of mental health resources that includes a search engine and links to selected listings of alternative treatments and mental health research for psychological disorders, mental health law, emotional support, mental health statistics, patients rights, psychological help, support groups and self-help.
- Mental Health Resources
Links to information on a variety of mental health disorders and topics, including recent articles, forums and chats. Also allows for searches of this site and separate searches for a variety of other sites (Medline, Mental Health Net, Health Finder, Self-Help and Psychology Magazine).
- Mental Health Surfboard
This site provides links to other sites that contain links to hundreds of mental health resources dealing with a wide range of topics. Some links include web search engines.
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse Links
This site is managed by King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse & Dependency Services Division (MHCADSD) and provides links to external web sites for reference material on mental health and chemical abuse related subjects.
- Mental Health and Mental Disorders healthfinder®
U.S. government gateway to reliable health information resources selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Mental Health Webcrawler
Site includes links to mental health sites on a variety of mental health issues and a search engine.
- Online Dictionary of Mental Health
Links to many Internet sites offering different viewpoints on issues in mental health. Site also includes search engines of mental health professional organizations, psychiatry research sites, bestsellers on various mental health topics, and a search of this site.
- Pendulum's Bipolar Disorder/Manic-Depression Pages
The site contains information on bipolar disorders, links to related resources and a search engine.
- Attention Deficit Disorder Resources
Comprehensive site from a new national non-profit organization for people with ADD, which includes Articles, Books, and Provider Lists for Adults and Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
- Psych Web
This psychology site contains links to commercial psychology sites, scholarly psychology resources, psychology journals, self-help sites, lists of brochures and articles, and psychology departments.
- Psychiatry and Mental Health Links
A list of links to sites that link to other sites on a variety of mental health issues.
- Psychiatry: Mental Health from A to Z
This page is part of psychiatry web site and provides links to other psychiatric sites offering information on university & government resources, organizations, electronic journals, research, evaluation & planning, children's sites, pharmaceutical companies and books.
- Schizophrenia--Doctor's Guide to the Internet
The latest medical news and information for patients or caregivers of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Site includes news, information, discussion groups, and related sites.
- National Association of Social Workers
NASW's list of links to the most recent materials produced on issues relating to social work practice.
- Social Work Resources on the Web
A list of links to subjects of interest (i.e., child abuse, adoption, mental health, aging) and areas of general social work interest (guides, electronic journals, organizations, technology and listserves).
- US Department of Health and Human Services
The site provides a search engine as well as information on news, agencies of HHS, opportunities and related sites.
- American Public Health Association
The oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world, representing more than 50,000 members from over 50 occupations of public health .
- Combined Health Information Database
A bibliographic database produced by health-related agencies of the federal government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. Search by topic or database.
- Medline Plus Health Information
MedLine Plus provides health care information from the National Library of Medicine at NIH. The site provides access to extensive information about specific diseases & conditions and links to consumer health information, dictionaries, hospitals & physicians, and clinical trials.
- National Library of Medicine
Provides a search of health topics as well as information on health, library services, research programs, and current events.
- NIH Toll-Free Health Information Lines
A list of toll-free information lines on a variety of health and mental health issues.
- Online Consumer Health Information
Provides links to on-line governmental health publications on various health and mental health issues. Browse by subject or institute.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact dplotnic@brynmawr.edu - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu - jmartin@brynmawr.edu.
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