- The NIMH Women's Mental Health Program: Establishing the Public Health Context for Women's Mental Health, Janaury 28, 2002
A summary of this program which provides a focus within NIMH for women's health by integrating diverse research on this topic. The program also serves as a place where research findings can be readily translated into policy.
- Science Advances and Capsules, Stories of Discovery, June 28, 2001
Links to scientific research information generated by NIMH for the year 2001.
- Gene Hunting
Frim NIMH, this paper presents the finding that mental health disorders are not due to a single defective gene, but to the joint effects of many genes acting together with nongenetic factors.
- How Biological Clocks Work
Disruption of circadian rhythms not only affects sleep patterns but also has been found to precipitate mania in people with bipolar disorder.
- Do Drugs Casue Mental Illness?
Response to a question regarding the causal relationship between drugs and mental illness. A page from the web site Mental Health Source.
- Matter Over Mind: Do Viruses Cause Severe Mental Illness?
Article disucsses the theory that an unrecognized infection by a virus or other agent might trigger at least some cases of schizophrenia or other psychoses.
- American Society Can Cause Mental Illness, 1998
This newspaper report discusses a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, conducted by William Vega the professor of public health at the University of California-Berkeley. The study maintains that mental health problems have a social etiology.
- Steroid Use May Cause Mental Disorders, 1996
The results of a study on the link between steroid use and mental illness are discussed. Study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 1996.
- Falls Resulting In Serious Head Injury May Cause Mental Decline In Elderly, 1999
This newspaper article presents the results of a research article published in the journal Neurology that links head injuries and mental decline in the elderly.
- Understanding Common Cause of Mental Impairment in Males Bolstered by New Research
Researchers who have found that the synthesis of a key protein occurs in an unexpected location in the brain provides support for understand the mechanism for the most common cause of genetically inherited mental impairment in males.
- Past Trauma/Invalidation as an Antecedent
This literature review discusses the hypothesis that people who are self injurious originate from invalidating environments.
- A Metabolic Cause of Mental Disorders?, 1999
An inherited deficiency could be a cause of some mental disorders in humans. From Macmillan Magazines Ltd 1999 - Nature News Service.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Obsessive Compulsive Information Center
The center collects, organizes and disseminates information about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. Links to clinical trials, education, services, publications and a search engine.
- What Causes Anxiety Disorders and Who Gets Them?
This article discusses the role of genetics, biochemistry, environment, and psychologic profile in the contribution to the development of anxiety disorders.
- Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Neurobiological Responses to Threat
Outlines aspects of the human neurobiological responses to threat, the relationship between the neurophysiology of fear and anxiety, developmental issues in response to threat and pathological processes which can result in abnormalities in the fear-response neurobiology which, in turn, may mediate childhood anxiety disorders.
- Etiology of Anxiety Disorders
From NIMH, this report discusses types of anxiety disorders, etiology and treatment.
- The Etiology of Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders, 1987
The nature of post-traumatic stress disorders among Vietnam veterans is described in this paper. From the book Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders: A Handbook for Clinicians, Jim Goodwin.
- Etiology of Anxiety Disorders
This page discusses the etiology, characteristics and treatment of anxiety disorders. Links to additional informational pages on various types of anxiety disorders.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Changing Perceptions of the Etiology of Crime: The Relationship Between Abuse and Female Criminality
This study examines the relation between the criminality of women and the experience of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.
- California School Shooter Said Traumatized by Bullying
A former girlfriend of Charles Andrew Williams, the Santana High School student who opened fire at his Santee, Calif., school, said the 15-year-old was traumatized by bullying, Reuters reported March 8, 2001.
- The Toxic Mind: The Biology of Mental Illness and Violence, 2000
Discusses biological etiology of mental illness and violence and treatment techniques of therapy and self-help measures that involve the releasing and redirecting of repressed emotions. From Medical Hypotheses, 2000, E. Van Winkle.
- Biological Basis of Violent Behavior Deserves Attention
Summary of an article in Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology discussing the neurobiological factors of violence.
- Changing Perceptions of the Etiology of Crime: The Relationship Between Abuse and Female Criminality
This study examines the relationship between female criminality and the experience of abuse.
- NIMH, JAMA Shed Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder
From the Psychiatric Times, this article discusses the treatment and etiology of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
- Mood Disorders
From the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, this page provides information on the epidemiology, etiology and diagnosis of mood disorders, as well as information on suicide.
- Depression
In a new study evaluating health information on the Internet, the NIMH Web Site consistently received the highest marks for accuracy and completeness of its information on depression.
- Etiology of Mood Disorders
From the Surgeon General's Mental Health Report, this document presents the following causes of depression: biologic factors, monoamine hypothesis, psychosocial and genetic factors, stressful events, anxiety, temperament and personality, gender, and genetic factors in bipolar disorder.
- Causes (Etiology) of Mood Disorders
This site provides links to many articles dealing with the etiology of depression.
- Biological Cause of Depression
A page discussiong biological cause of depression. Also links to a page on research on biology and depression and depression web site.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Night Problems May Spill Over Into Day, March 12, 2002
Some children who exhibit attention and hyperactivity problems may really be suffering from a sleep disorder.
- The ADHD Information Library
Information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder organized into 10 lessons.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This site is designed to link basic science knowledge with clinical application in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Includes physician printouts, pharmacological treatment, referral resources and two education modules.
A comprehensive web site with links to information on many aspects of ADHD, including the history of ADHD, the need for special education, diagnosis, treatment and medications.
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
From the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement, this paper discusses the etiology, impact, treatment, and research on ADHD.
- What Is Autism?
This site provides information on autism, including the definition, causes, diagnosis, treatment, organizations and a check-list.
- The Environmental and Immunotoxicological Etiology of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
These articles discuss how the toxic environment has caused damage to the immune systems and developing brains of children with the autistic syndromes. Includes links to related topics.
- The Etiology of Autism
Upon exploring the biological aspects of autism, the fields of neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and genetics have offered new insights concerning their association with the onset of this disease.
- Brain Gene Implicated in Autism
Scientists funded by the National Institute of Mental Health have linked a gene that may influence human brain development with autism susceptibility.
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Research Regarding the Cause
Biological theories of the etiology of ADHD are discussed and prefrontal dysfunction as one element in the disorder is presented.
- Introduction to Mental Retardation
Page from ARC's web site that explains mental retardation, including causes and prevention issues.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Borderline Personality Disorder Sanctuary
Site deals with borderline personliaty disorder and links to articles, ask the expert, chat rooms, bulletin boards, resources and support and a search engine.
- Neuropsychological Factors Associated with Borderline Pathology in Children
Study assessed the neuropsychological profile of children with and without borderline pathology, using measures that can pick up the deficits in executive function found in a population with impulsive and cognitive dysfunction.
- Borderline Personality Disorder
This article discusses causes of BPD and diagnostic criteria.
- Personality Disorders
This article explains what personality disorder is and presents three different explanations of its cause: the environmentalists, the biologicalist and the author's own synthesis.
- Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders
This article reports on the conceptualization of aggression and understanding its involvement in the development of severe psychopathology.
- Towards a Theoretical Framework of the Etiology and Structures of Multiple Personality, 1994
The proposed stress-related, developmental model, based in neurological and political frameworks, examines abused individual's adaptive responses to violence throughout the life cycle.
- The Aetiology of Schizophrenia
Clinically, schizophrenia is heterogeneous and this may point to heterogeneous aetiology. It seems that genetics, neurodevelopmental problems, neurochemistry and abnormal connectivity, as well as psychosocial stressors probably all contribute to developing the typical clinical pictures of schizophrenia.
- Scans Link 2 Key Pieces of Schizophrenia Puzzle, January 28, 2002
Using functional brain imaging, NIMH scientists for the first time have linked two key, but until now unconnected, brain abnormalities in schizophrenia.
- Gene Slows Frontal Lobes, Boosts Schizophrenia Risk
NIMH scientists have linked a gene variant that reduces dopamine activity in the prefrontal cortex to poorer performance and inefficient functioning of that brain region during working memory tasks, and to slightly increased risk for schizophrenia.
- Neoroscience Institute of Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders
NISAD's mission is to initiate, support and conduct world class research into schizophrenia which will advance understanding of its clinical components, mechanisms, causes, treatment and prevention.
- Schizophrenia
This aritlce presents clinical symptoms of schizophrenia, history of the concept, research on the etiology of schizophrenia, and therapies for schizophrenia.
- Genetics of Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders: An Overlap
Kraepelin proposed that schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis were two distinct disorders but this theory is being challenged quite frequently.
- New Research Could Help Identify People At Risk For Schizophrenia
From February 23, 1998, this article found that executive functioning problems exist before the onset of psychosis, which could give professionals a good indicator of future problems.
- Roots of Schizophrenia May Lie in Development of Fetal Brain
From May 27, 1996, this artilce reports that neuroscientists now believe that the seeds of the disorder are often sown during fetal development.
- Research Links Childhood-Onset And Adult-Onset Schizophrenia
This article from Sept. 24, 1998, reports that schizophrenia may be a developmental disorder, present in childhood though the symptoms don't usually manifest themselves until adulthood.
- Risk Of Schizophrenia Onset Linked To Brain Abnormalities
From London, England Jan. 4, 1999, this article was printed in the Lancet. Dr. Stephen Lawrie and colleagues from Edinburgh, Scotland, report that people at high risk of developing schizophrenia for genetic reasons have several structural brain abnormalities that are similar to those in patients with the disorder.
- Understanding the Causes of Schizophrenia
From the New England Journal of Medicine, February 25, 1999 (Vol. 340, No. 8), this article disucsses the casues of schizophrenia.
- Etiology of Schizophrenia
From the Surgeon General's Mental Health Report, this page provides an overview of schizophrenia and disucsses the course and recovery, etiology and interventions.
- The Neurophysiology of Schizophrenia: Etiology and Psychopharmacological Treatment
This paper disucsses the symptoms that characterize this illness, current research into the mechanisms and controls of schizophrenia (dopamine, serotonin, GABA and norepinephrine studies, and historically significant and current approaches used in treatment.
- Can Cats Cause Mental Illness?, 2000
Two American scientists have suggested that schizophrenia is caused by a virus found in cats' feces.
- Schizophrenia
From NIMH, a report on the causes, treatment and future of schizophrenia.
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- Eating Disorders: Mirror, Mirror
This page provides information on eating disorders, including getting help, recovery, myths and realities, and links to related resources.
- What Causes Eating Disorders?
An overview of the many possible causes of eating disorders, including emotional disorders such as depression, genetics, family issues, and medical conditions like hypothalamic abnormalities.
- What Causes Eating Disorders?
There is no one specific cause of eating disorders, with many factors seeming to contribute to the onset and maintenance of the problem. These factors are physical, social and psychological in nature.
- Causes of Eating Disorders
A list of links to various articles discussing various causes of eating disorders.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Marijuana's Effects: More Than Munchies, January 29, 2002
Experts are intrigued by the discovery of molecules that naturally occur in the body, known as endogenous cannabinoids, or endocannabinoids, which are remarkably similar to the active ingredient in marijuana.
- The Alchemy of OxyContin: From Pain Relief to Drug AddictionFrom the New York Times Magazine, July 29, 2001, this article discusses the growing epidemic of Oxycontin abuse.
- Brain Differences Seen in Children from Alcohol-Dependent Families, June 14, 2001
A new study shows that children from families with several generations of alcohol dependence exhibit differences in their brain when compared to children without a family history of alcoholism.
- Marijuana Users Nutritionally Fit, But Not Healthy, June 15, 2001
While marijuana users are just as fit nutritionally as non-users, new research shows that they face other health risks.
- Why Do Sally And Johnny Use Drugs?
Alan Leshner discusses the different reasons that children and adolescents use drugs and gives parents suggestions on what they can do.
- The Essence of Drug Addiction
Writing that physical vs. psychological distinction is off the mark, Alan I. Leshner suggests that drug craving and other compulsive behaviors are the essence of addiction.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
- Sleep Medicine Home Page
Resources regarding all aspects of sleep, including the physiology of sleep, clinical sleep medicine, sleep research, federal and state information, and patient information.
- The Sleep Well
Information and links to sites dealing with sleep, sleep disorders, sleep activism, sleep-related events.
Reviews written by students at Bryn Mawr College
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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